Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Lagi asyik-asyiknya surfing di, tiba-tiba tertarik dengan satu berita yaitu munculnya pernyataan nurdin m top di internet. Naluri keingintahuan pun muncul dan langsung meluncur ke TKP blog tersebut setelah searching alamat di mbah Google. Nih screen shoot blognya....

Blog ini dinamakan BUSHRO ,dibuat pada bulan Juli 2009 dan hanya terdapat satu post yaitu media tandzim al qo'idah indonesia : keterangan resmi tandzim al qo'idah indonesia atas amaliyat jihadiyah istisyhadiyah di hotel jw. marriot jakarta. Dalam blog ini ada 5 alasan mengapa mereka melakukan aksi bom bunuh diri. Yang mencengangkan adalah statistik blog ini!! Blog ini baru memposting pada tanggal 26 Juli 2006 namun pengunjung blog ini sudah mencapai 15.000 orang dan ada 500-an komen yang sebagian besar menghujat aksi bom bunuh diri di jw marriot ...wuiiihhh. Tapi blog ini belum tentu blog yang dibuat nurdin m top dan hanya buatan orang iseng yang ingin cari sensasi. Bagi temen-temen yang pengen segera meluncur ke TKP untuk menghilangkan rasa penasaran ataupun untuk 'numpang link' atau juga pengen jadi follower (klo gak takut diciduk densus 88 sih..hehehe) di blog yang sensasional ini silahkan aja ke

Monday, July 27, 2009

Meningkatkan Traffic Blog Secara Gratis

Selama ini untuk meningkatkan traffic/hit blog/web kita sering kita gunakan cara blogwalking atau saling kunjung-mengunjungi, tapi sering kali cara ini kurang efektif krn tidak semua empunya blog aktif terus, mau mengharapkan dari search engine? boro-boro, karena blog kita belum punya peringkat/ tidak terindeks di mesin pencari. Sekarang ada cara yang bisa kita coba untuk meningkatkan traffic/hit kita secara gratis. Free hitmatrix adalah web penyedia jasa untuk meningkatkan traffic kita. Cara yg digunakan juga sebenarnya sama seperti yang lain-lain yaitu melalui 'MLM backlink', dimana apabila kita ingin mendaftar kita diharuskan mengunjungi dulu link-link upline. Mungkin dah banyak para blogger senior yang pakai layanan ini, namun bagi yang belum mencoba gak ada salahnya kan dicoba? nah untuk yang mau coba silahkan aja langsung KLIK DISINI


Malam senin pukul 22:41 menjelang tidur tiba-tiba bos jody (AKA FACT AND MIRACLE) kirim pesan lewat shout yang beritanya aku dapat award dari dia dan suruh ngambil award di blognya, jujur pertama-tama aku gak tau tentang award2 begini tapi yang namanya dikasih award ya seneng aja lah. Terima Kasih banyak kepada bos jody yang sudi kiranya memberikan penghargaan ini.

Award ini sendiri merupakan award yang ber-backlink, maka sahabat blogger yang menerima award ini akan secara otomatis mendapatkan backlink, dan jika kita mengikuti aturannya secara tepat maka blog kita akan mendapatkan banyak backlink dalam waktu yang singkat.

Dan,akhirnya saya memutuskan para sahabat blogger yang menerima award ini adalah
nagapasha, masbhakti, anak nelayan, info dunia bisnis, eris-agustian, Oi's Place, bagussiedartha, diTho's, Ad4m San™, Tips Trik Komputer

“Bagi siapa saja yang menerima award ini diharuskan untuk membagikan kembali award ini kepada sepuluh orang temannya. Dan selanjutnya si penerima award harus meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel kamu

This is the rules: sebelum kamu meletakkan link di atas, kamu harus menghapus peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Yang tadi nomor 2 jadi nomor 1, nomor 3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link kamu sendiri di bagian paling bawah (nomor 10). Tapi ingat ya, kalian semua harus fair dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya , maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang kamu inginkan. Dari sisi SEO kamu sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline kamu mengklik link itu, kamu juga mendapatkan traffik tambahan.

Nah, silahkan copy paste saja, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 1 lalu tambahkan link blog/website kamu di posisi 10. Ingat, kamu harus mulai dari posisi 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Karena jika kamu tiba2 di posisi 1, maka link kamu akan hilang begitu ada yang masuk ke posisi 10.”

Demikian copas dari tulisan mas doyok. Selamat mengambil award-nya, teman-teman. Tak lupa sekali lagi terimakasih buat bos jody yang sudah memberikan award ini kepadaku. Sampai jumpa di tulisan berikutnya yang masih tentang award ber-backlink.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Pernahkah searching temen di facebook tapi foto profilnya kurang jelas dan kita gak yakin apakah itu benar temen kita atau bukan? Pengen liat foto-foto lainnya tapi gak bisa diakses karena orang tersebut belum menjadi temen kita. Nah sekarang kita bisa 'mengintip' foto-foto orang di facebook tanpa harus menjadi teman kita dulu. Aplikasi facebook untuk intip foto ini sebenarnya dah lama tapi baru sempet saya share sekarang. Aplikasi ini bernama Photo Stalker alias pengintip foto, alamat apps ini dapat diakses di Namun ada hal lain yang perlu diketahui, tidak semua profil dapat kita intip fotonya dengan gampang karena apabila profil yg ingin kita liat itu mensetting fotonya hanya dapat diakses secara terbatas aplikasi ini gak bisa berbuat banyak dan hanya akan menampilkan profile foto doank sama seperti klo kita searching friend di facebook secara biasa.

Nah coba deh sekarang dan untuk contoh alias example aku beri profile satu cewek yg hot 'chyntia adiameka'...ketika saya coba sih bisa saya akses tapi gak tau klo cewek itu dah ubah settingan foto facebook. Biar gak bisa diintip orang lain cepet2 deh ubah settingan foto di facebook juragan masing-masing.
Have a try...

Mbah Surip MP3 Download

Mbah Surip memang sensasional...dari bukan siapa-siapa kini menjadi seorang yang dikenal dimana-mana karena tembang 'tak gendong'nya, bukan itu saja, mbah surip juga menjadi OKB (orang kaya baru) karena hasil penjualan album dan RBT nya yang mencapai milyaran rupiah. Tapi meskipun mbah surip sudah menjadi artis dan kaya raya itu tak merubahh pribadi dirinya yang tetep merakyat...salut buat Mbah!!! Buat temen-temen yang cari mp3 nya mbah surip nih dia link nya :

1. Mbah Surip - Aku Sekarang Ganteng

2. Mbah Surip - Sejarah Cintaku

3. Mbah Surip - Dikejar Aku Nggak Mau

4. Mbah Surip - Tukang Nasi Goreng

5. Mbah Surip - Ujug Ujug

6. Mbah Surip - I Love You Full

7. Mbah Surip - Melody Security

8. Mbah Surip - Enak Tenan

9. Mbah Surip - Tak Gendong

10.Mbah Surip - Bangun Tidur

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sikap Para Capres Yang Tidak Siap Kalah

Membaca (23/07/09) tentang penolakan para capres yang kalah dalam pemilu 2009 untuk menandatangani hasil penetapan hasil pilpres membuat saya bertanya-tanya apa yang sebenarnya yang mereka inginkan. Menurut JK ia menolak karena pemilu kali ini sangat tinggi kecurangannya, mulai dari daftar pemilih tetap dan ketidaknetralan Komisi Pemilihan Umum. Begitu pula dengan capres Megawati yang juga menyebut hal yang sama sebagai penolakan untuk menolak menandatangani hasil penetapan hasil pilpres. Apa begini kah potret para pimpinan di negara ini dimana mereka inginnya selalu menang dan tidak siap untuk kalah? padahal mereka sudah berjanji akan menerima apapun hasil pemilu pilpres dalam kampanye mereka.

Kecurangan apakah yang sebenarnya mereka ributkan? masalah DPT lah pastinya yang mereka sorot. DPT dianggap asal-asalan, banyak warga yang kehilangan hak pilihnya karena tidak tercantum dalam DPT. Kalau ditilik kembali memang banyak kekurangan KPU dalam mengurusi DPT tetapi tidak berarti KPU tidak serius mengurusi hal tersebut. KPU sudah berusaha keras memperbaiki DPT dan melaksanakan hasil keputusan MK yang akhirnya memperbolehkan mencontreng dengan KTP. Yang membuat saya merasa aneh adalah mereka mulai meributkan masalah DPT ini menjelang pemilu saja padahal DPT ini dibuat jauh-jauh hari sebelum pemuli. Mengapa mereka tidak menyoroti hal tersebut dahulu? kemana mereka? begitu sudah dekat hari H baru lah hal ini diributkan, seakan mencari kambing hitam kekalahan mereka dalam pilpres padahal hasil pemilu ini adalah hasil suara rakyat, apakah mereka tidak menghormati hasil tersebut?

Rakyat sudah bosan dengan semua intrik ini, rakyat capek, rakyat hanya ingin hidup dan mencari penghidupan dengan tenang. Mengapa elit-elit yang diatas tidak mau memberi contoh yang santun ke rakyat? Rakyat sudah senang pemilu yg dilaksanakan dengan uang trilyunan rupiah ini berjalan dengan lancar dan damai, tinggal sekarang kasih kesempatan kepada pemimpin yang menang dalam pemilu untuk membuktikan janji-janji kampanyenya. Dari obrolan-obrolan saya dengan orang-orang, banyak yang menyayangkan para capres yang kalah tidak bisa menerima kekalahannya dengan terhormat. Rakyat sekarang sudah pintar, mereka tidak mau sepenuhnya menggantungkan nasibnya hanya pada pemimpin negeri ini, siapa pun presidennya kalo kita tidak berusaha bertahan hidup sendiri ya bakal mati juga.

Semoga intrik-intrik pasca pilpres ini segera berakhir tanpa adanya hal-hal yang merugikan kita semua. Kita bosan dengan intrik ini, kita hanya ingin hidup damai, wahai para pemimpin negeri ini dengarlah...


Siaga satu...HP SE W300i ku rusak...mau di servis mahal biayanya bagusan beli baru aja...tapi bingung banget mau ganti apa. Jujur aku memang tipe orang yang males ganti-ganti HP karena memang kurang dana sih buat ganti2 hp hehehe, HP SE ini juga dah 4 tahun aku pake ampe buntut!! setelah menimbang, memperhatikan, mensurvey dan ngecek harga, ketemu lah HP yang pas dengan selera dan kantong...dah pilihan jatuh kepada MOTOROLA MOTO Q8!!! Hape win Mobile 6.1 yang murah meriah...cuma 1,599 jt (bukan iklan lho)...
Buat aganz-aganz yang pengen tahu juga specnya nih dia :

Fun Features

  • Integrated 1.3 megapixel camera
  • Windows Media Player Mobile
  • Video capture with sound and playback
  • Dual stereo-quality speakers
  • Supports most popular audio and video formats
  • Removable optional miniSD cards (up to 2GB) for extendable storage of documents, photos, music and video
  • Approximately 40MB on-board available user memory7
  • Send photos, video clips, text and sound1
  • Browse the web

Call Management Features

  • Call contacts or open applications with advanced speech recognition
  • Built in hands free speakerphone
  • Time and Date Stamp
  • Photo-caller ID
  • Virtually unlimited contacts (dependent on available memory)

Messaging Features

  • View email and edit attachments (documents, spreadsheets, presentations and PDFs)
  • Manage personal information with Microsoft Office Outlook Mobile (Inbox, Contacts, Calendar and Tasks)
  • Supports multiple email (inboxes): POP3/IMAP4, Microsoft Exchange Server with direct push technology
  • SMS
  • Multimedia Messaging (MMS)
  • Group SMS
  • IM

Lifestyle Features

  • Windows Media Player Mobile
  • Photo-caller ID1
  • Mega pixel camera with digital zoom
  • Calculator
  • Alarm Clock
  • Pocket Outlook

Performance Features

  • Talk Time /Standby Time: Up to approximately 5.6 hrs / 12.5 days2
  • Bands: GSM4/GPRS/EDGE
  • Standard Battery: 1130 mAh Lithium Ion
  • Bluetooth Wireless Technology: Supports Bluetooth headset/hands-free and stereo Profiles8
  • Synchronisation: ActiveSync and Airsync with Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, Motorola mini-USB connector

Data Features

  • GPRS/EDGE Class 10
  • Memory (FLASH/RAM): 128MB / 64MB7
  • Optional Removable Memory: miniSD card up to 2GB

Technical Specifications

  • Weight : 115g
  • Volume : 85 cc
  • Dimensions (H x W x D) : 117x64x11.5mm
  • Display : 2.4” 240x320 65K TFT
  • Colour : Soft Touch Black
  • Form Factor : QWERTY
  • OS: Microsoft Windows Mobile 6
Menurut aku sih dengan harga segitu untuk win mobile 6 sih reasonable price sih n yang penting enak dipake krn pake tombol QWERTY. Untuk aplikasinya udah saya banyak pasang baik game maupun software n performance nya lumayan. Kapan2 klo ada waktu aku akan bagi deh aplikasi2 nya disini.

Mafia Wars Cheat

How to get Mafia Wars Godfather Points

There are multiple ways to obtain mafia wars Godfather Points. By far the easiest way to get Godfather Points is to buy them. That’s just a cold hard fact. Most users do not want to straight up buy Godfather Points, including myself. So here are a few tips for getting Godfather Points free and quickly.

You will be awarded one Godfather Point for leveling up. This is a very slow way to accumulate mafia wars Godfather Points, but every little bit helps right?

The free surveys are the preferred choice for the frugal Mafia Wars player. The problem with the godfather points free surveys is that they are often time consuming and difficult to finish because they require multiple offer paths. As a general rule you must complete at least one and possibly more of the offers presented with the survey. If you want to do a lot of surveys I would recommend setting up a new email account (there are many sites out there that will give you a free email address) and using that email for the surveys since you will receive a lot of marketing emails from entities affiliated with the surveys you’ve completed. Remember that most of the surveys report on a delay, so if your Godfather Points do not show up immediately you have to wait for 15-60 minutes for the points to show up. Some of the surveys are hit or miss, and a list of verified Surveys will be forthcoming.

The pay offers are generally the best way to get free Godfather Points. While these offers do require some monetary investment they have an advantage over the free surveys and buying mafia wars Godfather Points. The offers are better than buying points because they will usually give out more points per dollar than buying points, plus you get something else from the offer as well. The offers are easier than the surveys because they are usually fairly quick and not nearly as confusing as the surveys. My general suggestion regarding the pay offers is to look through the pay offers and see if there is something you would buy even if you didn’t get mafia wars Godfather Points for buying it. That way you get something you want plus the Godfather Points.

As far as the usage of Godfather Points goes, I would only use mafia wars Godfather points for a full energy refill or for the four skill points. The money may seem like a good idea at the beginning, but after you buy enough properties you will have more money than you know what to do with. The extra family members are not needed if you use an Add Train (our Add Train will be posted soon). The new name does not really matter in the game. The health refill is not needed since you can heal at the hospital. The stamina refill might be useful if your stamina is high enough, but most players would prefer an energy refill as opposed to a stamina refill. So that leaves the energy refill and the four skill points. Remember that you get five skill points for leveling up and at lower levels one energy refill will usually be enough to level up and get the five skill points. At higher levels it will probably take multiple energy refills to level up so it may be a better idea to use Godfather Points to get Skill Points instead of energy refills. Of course that depends on if you are working on an energy dependent task such as mastering a job tier, in which case the energy refills would be better than four stat points. Again it all depends on how you are playing the game.

So that’s a quick overview of how to get free mafia wars Godfather Points and some suggestions on how to use Godfather Points. Please feel free to post any other insights or ideas about Godfather Points here and watch for a list of verified working free surveys.

Free Godfather points in facebook mafia wars, finally a working tutorial on how to get them today.

Facebook mafia wars cheats have recently been updated as of June 2009 that now enable you to finally add cash or items to your account without any risky steps. This guide is designed to show you how to get those free godfather points in mafia wars you have heard so many rumors about.

Over time, and with the addition of the new Super Rewards app, they have improved the delivery of awarded godfather points dramatically, I’ve managed myself to get over 1600 godfather points for free with very little effort, and I’m going to share a list of my awarded offers for the past week, with simple guidelines to follow, so you too, may reap the benefits of our gracious big brother.

Facebook Mafia Wars Cheats Tutorial:

Quick Tips:
1. Make sure your browser accepts cookies (See Below ), these are the lifeline between your offers and the Super Rewards system.
2. Always clear your cookies, before AND after a survey.
3. Some surveys will send activation e-mails to your spam inbox, if you aren’t getting your points, check there to see if you have to click an activation link.
4. Be wary of the fine print (It is the small gray text beneath all of the offers on the godfather page)
5. Don’t perform offers back-to-back, I find you usually end up with nothing to show for it. 10-15 Minutes between seems to work out
6. Always register with mostly correct info. I never provide my real phone number, the offers I’m about to list do not wish to call you, but they will endlessly spam your e-mails spam archive.
7. Any offer that says "Reward Points awarded upon completion of all questions", "Reward Points awarded upon completion of questionaire", or "Reward Points awarded upon completion of survey" are in my opinion and experience, the easiest ones to meet the requirements for, and generally yield easy points.

Enabling Cookies In Google Chrome:
1. In the upper right hand corner of the browser click the wrench icon
2. In the menu that drops down, select "Options"
3. Click the "Under the Hood" tab
4. Check the option "Accept all cookies"Enabling Cookies in Firefox:
1. Upper menu of the browser, click the "Tools" menu
2. In the window that appears, Go to the Privacy tab
3. In the cookies section, click the boxes

Accept Cookies from sites
Accept third party cookies

Enabling Cookies In Opera:
1. Upper menu of the browser, click the "Tools" menu
2. Scroll down to "Preferences"
3. In the menu that appears, click the "Advanced" tab
4. Scroll down the menu on the left to "Cookies"
5. Check the option that says "Accept Cookies"

Enabling Cookies In Internet Explorer:
1. Right hand section of the browser, click "Tools"
2. In the menu that expands, scroll down to "Internet Options"
3. Click the "Privacy" tab and move the slider to "Accept All Cookies"

Using Greasemonkey:
Note: The following was originally posted by demonlord, but as he removed his post I decided to re-post it, with the appropriate credit.1. Open Firefox
2. Tools > Addons > Search > Greasemonkey
3. Install Greasemonkey and Restart Your Browser
4. Tools > Greasemonkey > New User Script

Input the following:
Name: Tracking Pixel Finder


Includes: *
Excludes: Blank

5. Click Okay
6. The program will automatically open notepad for you
7. Ctrl + A to select all
8. Paste the following into notepad and click save

// ==UserScript==
// @name Tracking Pixel Finder
// @namespace
// @description Finds tracking pixels in a webpage and highlights them.
// @author Demonlord
// @homepage


// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
var css = "@namespace url(; img[width=\"1\"], img[height=\"1\"] { border:solid 25px green !important; }";
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (heads.length > 0) {
var node = document.createElement("style");
node.type = "text/css";

For any computer game available on-line or off-line, there are tricks or secret codes to get players forward in the game fast. Google "Facebook mafia wars cheats" and the reader will be rewarded with a barrage of sites that claim to have the facebook mafia wars secret tricks or mafia wars cheat codes.
There are some mafia wars scripts out there to automate some actions of the game. For example a mafia wars script that automatically sends touts friend invites players to fight in the window. It may or may not work at all times. Players can advance more quickly by using our sites mafia wars tips and tricks instead of hunting for mafia wars cheats.

Facebook mafia wars cheats are basically strategies for moving forward in the game and a stronger, richer cell. Strategies include increasing the crowd and the wealth of the family. Make sure to read our facebook mafia wars tips section of the site to truly get a grasp of the game and it’s tricks.

Grow the Family
In Mafia Wars, players form mob families by inviting other members to join Facebook. The more members of the family means more strength and power as well as other benefits. The first and ultimately most important mafia wars tip to advance in the game is to keep the mafia wars family growing. This can be done in a couple of ways:
• Players are allowed to invite all their friends to join
• Links to other players in one of the many ‘add me’ FB pages, thousands of network operators in these pages
• Reciprocate when players of his mob family - Mafia War players can be members of more than a crowd.
Family Defense
Family members must be able to defend themselves. It is for the Boss to make sure that every member of the team defense instruments. As the family accumulates wealth, the leader must ensure that each State has the weapons, vehicles, etc.
• Initially, the funds are low, the boss should focus on the growth of wealth in order to take care of the family
• How is the accumulated wealth, Boss has to buy each family member more weapons
Increasing wealth
Mob Boss each will have different strategies to accumulate wealth. Some families focus on more jobs and payments, while others are more families involved in property acquisitions. These tips will help strategy to strengthen the family, regardless of wealth objective:

• In the first game levels, the purchase of property with low investment cost and decent rate of return. Mafia Mike delis are an excellent choice, but the number is available for purchase depends on the number of family members.
• As increases the purchase price of high-end properties - the key is to buy as many as possible at once. Once you make a purchase, the price increases for the next purchase.
• Attention to the maintenance costs of some high-end weapons and vehicles. Ensure that the flow of money is sufficient to cover the costs.
Strategically Using Mafia Wars Points
At each level, players are given points from the Godfather. These can be used to increase a number of attributes such as attack, defense, energy, and more. Where to apply these points depends on the mafia boss’ strategy.
• Knocking off rivals, and that kills: it requires the use of this strategy to increase the points of attack, defense, strength and attributes. This allows the player to strike out the other mobs and engage in battles remained stronger than them.
• Money Accumulation: This strategy calls for putting more reward points in the energy level. Energy allows the family to do more jobs, in order to acquire more money.
Mafia War players also have the opportunity to purchase items from the Godfather, if you wish. In addition, there are often special weapons or incentives that may be purchased only with the points.
Mafia Wars is a very popular game that has become the rage all over the world. Players who are looking for shortcuts to bypass the fact of playing the game could not find what you are looking for, however, employing a few secrets to advance their crowd can prove to be equally valuable.



If we just depend on money that we receive every day from daily challenge that we have maybe it will need long and long time to grow our team. So how we can get more money? that question is same that i think at first i play this game, do i have to buy the money with team sponsorship that mean i have to pay to play this game? i try to find answer in google and finally a figure a lot a way to find lot money without use team sponsorship. here all the way :
  1. if you have many friend that already play premier football and always online in same time, you must make a cup game. it's better u make a cup with no entrance fee, 4 team and no prizess. of course ask all your friends to make cup not just you and tell them to play the cup match fast so cun can make more and more cup that will make you gain much money from the attendance.
  2. if you don't have friend online that play this game don't worry there is other way to run fast cup. a social media like forum to post your cup is other way. so where is the forum? there is a lot forum and i will give you 2 of the forum. first is try go to premier football forum it's self in facebook (, it's the address of premier football on facebook. at first you have to became a fan of this apps and then go to disscusion board and ta..ta.. you will find a lot cup that post there from the cup that pay entrance fee to the free one. the screen shoot of disscusion is shown below. you can join the cup that post there or u can post your cup by clicking new new topic so that your cup can fill and run fast. Tips : it's better to make a free cup (0 entrance fee and 0 prizess). the second forum is visit this blog ( and follow cup there or post your cup. have a try...


For the first time you play premier football you will have team with level newbie, player with all 5 point skill and a stadium with 5,000 seat capacity. The team will be a graet team if have a good player skill, to train a player we need cash, so where do we get cash? the basic is to get cash is from your attendance that came to stadium when your team have a home game and share 10% if you have away game. So here is the trick how to raise your fund if you are in newbie level or beginner :
  • always use all of your 8 daily chalange to challenge other team, use open challenge that consist of 2 post open challenge and 2 accept open challenge.
  • always buy bonus challenge. this you can find in FINANCE-> BUY BONUS CHALLENGE. it cost 250,000 and u only have 1 bonus challenge per-day.
  • ask for friend that already play first or other player that already had maximum stadium capacity that is 250,000 to challenge you
  • use all your money that u earn to expand your stadium capacity until it reach it's max that is 250,000
  • do not worry if you always lose and gain no victory point because the first focus is to expand your stadium so you can earn more money to train player in the future.
  • if your stadium is bigger enough like 20,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 u can start train player but don't forget to keep upgrade your stadium until it reach its max
  • it's better to use 4-4-2 or 3-4-3 formation.
That's the first tips n trick, for the next step read other articles.
Have a good game and try it.



  1. Michael Jackson - Thriller (
  2. Michael Jackson – They Dont Care About Us (
  3. Michael Jackson - Will You Be There (
  4. Michael Jackson - Earth Song (
  5. Michael Jackson - We Are The World (
  6. Michael Jackson – You Are Not Alone (
  7. Michael Jackson – Black Or White (
  8. Michael Jackson – Ill Be There (
  9. Michael Jackson – Heal The World (
  10. Michael Jackson – One Day In Your Life (

Friday, July 24, 2009


Pernahkah anda mengalami kehabisan pulsa disaat-saat penting tetapi tidak ada konter pulsa? Itupun sering terjadi pada saya sampai pada suatu saat saya berfikir bila saya punya hp yang bisa ngisi pulsa sendiri hal tersebut tidak akan membuat saya pusing. Akhirnya saya mencari program program untuk bisnis pulsa tersebut dan menemukan all operator 77.

Keunggulan all operator 77 :

1. Gratis Biaya Pendaftaran

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Untuk lebih jelasnya kunjungi aja blog PULSA PRAKTIS


Tentang Bux.To

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Berapa yang anda dapatkan?

Apabila anda klik 10 iklan perhari dan kamu mengajak referal 100 dan aktif klik 10 iklan perhari , Maka anda akan mendapatkan uang di atas $ 5 per hari. Kelebihan BUX.TO ini adalah jumlah iklan yang tersedia untuk di klik banyak banget gak seperti program PTC2 yang lain. Pertama kali join aja saya di kasih 16 iklan yang berarti $0,16 sehari tanpa referal. Bayangkan berapa banyak yang bisa kita dapat bila ada referal.

Mendapatkan uang hanya mengikuti beberapa langkah

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search di yahoo, malah dapat uang???

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Selama ini pengen punya blog dg embel2 .com sendiri bukan numpang di atawa di Eh akhirnya jodoh ketemu web yang nawarin program free domain dengan sistem referral yang artinya kita bakal dikasih domain dengan merekrut referral (biasa bisnis online). Walaupun belum tentu benar apa tidak janji-janjinya tetapi gak da salahnya kita coba kan? Nah sekarang gue ceritain sedikit mengenai freedomain ini. Dimana alamat webnya? Nih klik DISINI , eh pake klik kanan-->open new tab aja biar lu kagak kehilangan tutorial hehehehe (sok pintar) trus disitu bakal ditawarin 3 paket hadiah freedomain yang bisa kamu pilih, mau satu domain aja, dua domain ato tiga sekaligus dan tiap paket itu beda-beda jumlah referral yang harus direkrut, terserah kamu mau milih yang mana...gampang kan...coba aja..klo web itu fraud kita timpukin aja rame2 hehehe..
have a try....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Panda Global Protection 2009 Multilanguage

Panda Global Protection 2009 protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud, identity theft and all other Internet threats. Thanks to the new Collective Intelligence Technology, the solution is now much faster than previous versions. You will also have at your disposal Tech Support 24h-365d, 24h-SOS service and the daily updates that ensure you are protected against all new threats that appear around the world. Its ease-of-use, simplicity and offer a Maximum protection with minimum impact on your PC.

Anti-Malware Protection

Anti-Malware Engine
Automatically detects and eliminates viruses, spyware, Trojans, rootkits, bots and other malware before they infect your computer.

* Scans files in real-time and on-demand.
* Scans emails before they reach your inbox, regardless of your email program.
* Scans Internet traffic regardless of your browser type.
* Scans Instant Messaging traffic in MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and AOL.
* Removes all traces of clutter left by spyware on your PC.

Advanced Proactive Protection

Technologies from Panda Security are widely recognized as the most effective against new and unknown malware.
* Genetic Heuristic Engine combines advanced algorithms to detect new variants of the most dangerous malware families.
* TruPrevent Technologies 2.0 silently analyze the behavior of programs, blocking those that try to damage your PC. This last line of defence blocks zero-day targeted attacks and terminates any malicious activity that has evaded traditional protection systems.

Personal Firewall

Protects you against Internet-borne worms and hacker attacks.
* Smart auto-configuration allows good programs to run while blocking malicious ones.
* Shields your PC from hackers on the Web.
* Wireless Monitor protects your wireless network from intruders.
* Intrusion prevention blocks known and unknown hacker attacks and vulnerability exploits.

Identity Theft Protection

Anti-Phishing Filter
Recognizes fraudulent email and protects you from scams while you shop, bank or pay bills online.

Anti-Banking Trojan Engine
Detects the most dangerous identity theft malware used by cyber-criminals to steal banking credentials. Specialized heuristics and generic detection techniques ensure maximum protection for online transactions. NEW!

Anti-Rootkit Technology
Detects and removes silently-installed rootkits used by malware or hackers to evade traditional antivirus products. The free Panda Anti-Rootkit, used by millions of people around the world, recently won the Editor’s Choice award from PC Magazine. NEW!

Safe Internet Browsing

Anti-Spam Filter
Keeps your inbox free from junk mail. With the new spam engine detection rates are now over 97%, ensuring uninterrupted service and delivering the emails you really need. NEW!

Parental Control
Lets your children browse the Internet safely by blocking access to violent, adult, or racist content, as well as other inappropriate websites. From the solution’s control panel –and regardless of the browser type- you can assign predefined filters (child, adolescent, employee…) to users or customize filter rules according to your specific needs, .

Web Filter
Lets you use the Internet safely without the risk of infections, vulnerability exploits, browser hijacking or phishing websites.By analyzing website content, links and Web reputation scores, Panda Security provides protection against all types of Web-based malware and scams. NEW!

Personal Information Filter
Prevents theft from your PC of credit card numbers, social security numbers and any other personal information you define. NEW!

PC Optimization

Backup & Restore
Safeguards your most important files against accidental loss or damage. It prevents loss of important documents either unintentionally, or through hard disk problems or other accidents. Backup and restoration from hard drive, CD, DVD, other external media or online are both extremely simple and easy.

Premium Online Backup
To safeguard your most important files and have access to them anytime, anywhere. Backing up your most important files online ensures the integrity of your information regardless of what happens to your PC. This ultimate safety layer provides 2 gigabytes of free, secure storage for one year. NEW!

Tune Up
Automatically finds and fixes problems in your PC and keeps your system running smoothly. It optimizes your PC performance by removing unnecessary registry entries, deleting temporary files and speeding up your hard disk.

Download :

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 ( Beta

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 – the all-in-one security solution that offers a worry-free computing environment for you and your family. Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 has everything you need for a safe and secure Internet experience.
Kaspersky Internet Security 9.0 – is a new line of Kaspersky Labs products, which is designed for the multi-tiered protection of personal computers. This product is based on in-house protection components, which are based on variety of technologies for maximum levels of user protection regardless of technical competencies. This product utilizes several technologies, which were jointly developed by Kaspersky Labs and other companies; part of them is implemented via online-services.
Our products for home and home office are specifically designed to provide hassle-free and quality protection against viruses, worms and other malicious programs, as well as hacker attacks, spam and spyware.
During product preparation several competitor offerings were considered and analyzed - firewalls, security suites systems, which position themselves as proactive in defence and HIPS systems. Combination of in-hosue innovative developments and results from analysis gathered through the industry allowed to jump onto a new level of protection for personal users, whereby offering even more hardened and less annoying computer protection from all types of electronic threats – malicious programs of different types, hacker attacks, spam mailings, program-root kits, phishing emails, advertisement popup windows etc.

Download :

Winamp 5.552 Build 2460

Nullsoft Winamp is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity media player for Windows. Winamp supports playback of many audio (MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, MOD, XM, S3M, IT, MIDI, etc) and video types (AVI, ASF, MPEG, NSV), custom appearances called skins (supporting both classic Winamp 1.x/2.x skins and Winamp 3 freeform skins), audio visualization and audio effect plug-ins (including two industry dominating visualization plug-ins), an advanced media library, Internet radio and TV support, CD ripping, and CD burning.

• The Full version plays MP3s, AAC, WMA, and more; Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins; Full Support for classic and modern skins; Plays Videos; has a Powerful Media Library; Browse Internet Radio & TV Stations; Integrated Internet Music Videos & Songs; Bundled Visualizations; and Burn & Rip CDs.
• The LITE version plays MP3s, AAC, WMA, and more. It is compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins and has full support for classic skins.

Winamp Highlights:
* New portable device features - transcoding, new sync options, USB thumbdrive player support, video sync, direct-from-device playback
* Faster ripping
* Improved AAC and aacPlus encoding
* Unicode metadata, filename, and title support
* iTunes-compatible gapless playback (MP3/M4A) and encoding (M4A)
* Optional 24bit playback
* ReplayGain support

Winamp Player Features:
- Plays Music and Video Files (aacPlus, MP3, AAC, WMA and more!)
- Compatible with Winamp 2 Plug-ins
- Full Support for Classic and Modern Skins
- Plays Videos (NSV, WMV, and more!)
- Powerful Media Library
- Browse SHOUTcast Radio & TV Stations
- Browse Winamp Music Videos & Songs
- Integrated AOL Video Content (News, Sports, Movies & more)
- AOL Radio Featuring XM
- SHOUTcast Wire (podcast directory)
- Predixis MusicMagic (dynamic playlisting)
- Bundled Visualizations
- Burn CDs (Limited to 2x - 4Can't talk in Pro!)
- Rips CDs (Limited to Can't talk aacPlus, AAC, WMA - Unlimited aacPlus, AAC, WMA and MP3 in Pro!)
- 50 free mp3s from Emusic
- Includes Winner of the Internet
- Surround Music Project!
- Includes an MP3 of 'Mercy Me' by Alkaline Trio
- Rip/Encode music into aacPlus, AAC, WMA, or MP3!
- Burn CDs up to 4Can't talk!

Changes in Winamp 5.552:
* Fixed: [gen_ff] memcpy integer overflow vulnerability in maki script loading

Changes in Winamp 5.551:
* Fixed: [libsndfile] CAF Processing Integer Overflow Vulnerability
* Updated: libsndfile 1.0.19

Changes in Winamp 5.55:
* New: Turkish, Portuguese-BR & Romanian installer translations and language packs
* New: WBM system for lazy-loading of *.w5s files
* New: [Bento skin] Playlist tab (optional)
* New: [ml_impex] iTunes-compatible Media Library database import/export plugin
* Improved: [gen_ff] Faster & no flicker when loading/switching skins
* Improved: [gen_jumpex] New 'Add to Library' shell menu item & other tweaks
* Improved: [gen_jumpex] True unicode search support
* Improved: [gen_ml] Optional alternating row colors for list views
* Improved: [gen_ml] Optional skinned menus
* Improved: [in_mod] Experimental ExtendedRead support (transcoding, burning, etc)
* Improved: [in_mod] Now uses global Playback config for thread priority
* Improved: [in_mp3] APEv2 tag editing/creating tweaks
* Improved: [in_mp3] Show instantaneous bitrates for AAC VBR
* Improved: [ml_local] Media Library searches now ignore diacritics
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Category' and 'Lossless' database fields
* Improved: [ml_local] New playcount Tracking Control options
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Play/Enqueue random' item for top level filters
* Improved: [ml_online] New toolbar and various other tweaks & optimizations
* Improved: [ml_online] Support for 3rd-party Services
* Improved: [vis_milk2] Pixel Shader 2.0 & 3.0 support tweaks
* Improved: [vis_nsfs] Unicode title display for currently playing track
* Improved: [Winamp Agent] Localization support
* Improved: [Winamp Modern skin] New spectrum vis options
* Fixed: Accessibility fixup for Format Info string in Alt+3 dialog
* Fixed: Genre not being saved with Autotag feature in Alt+3 dialog
* Fixed: Memory leaks in in_mp3, in_wm, gen_dropbox, ml_local, ml_pmp & tagz.w5s
* Fixed: New version check can't be disabled when anon statistics is enabled
* Fixed: Rare crash when closing vis window
* Fixed: Various issues when starting/stopping/switching vis plugins
* Fixed: [Agent] Systray icon not showing if 'Play in Winamp' removed in Shell Options
* Fixed: [enc_flac] 24-bit FLAC encoding
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Shell Options, B Hotkey, Send To menus & other misc bugs
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Library button resize glitch
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Potential cddb Disc null pointer crash
* Fixed: [in_flac] Albumartist & Ensemble fields not cleared when deleting Album Artist
* Fixed: [in_flac] Track restarts when updating metadata
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Potential ID3v2.0/2.1 crash issue
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Empty genre metadata field (eg. when transcoding from flac to m4a)
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Long hangs on slow network drives
* Fixed: [libsndfile] AIFF buffer overflow vulnerabilty (thanks milw0rm/secunia)
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Potential crash on exit
* Fixed: [ml_disc] 'Use uppercase file extensions' ripping option not being respected
* Fixed: [ml_history] Tracking still updates if playback stopped before specified time
* Fixed: [ml_local] Broken 'Create Playlist' button functionality in local media
* Fixed: [ml_local] Remove missing files broken with some older/corrupt databases
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Columns sometimes hidden in Downloads view
* Fixed: [ml_plg] Multiple 'Failed to initialize' error messages
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Crash when deleting playlists/files from a P4S portable device
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Metadata hooking, transcoder, autofill and other bug fixes
* Fixed: [nde] Albums with % in title not displaying tracklist in local media views
* Fixed: [out_ds] Logarithmic volume control dB display glitch
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Deletion of non-existent files from database
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Reading of Play Count statistics
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Various database, albumart, playback & disconnection issues
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
* Misc: New "Send Feedback" item in the Help menu
* Misc: Note that changes made to the ml database are not backwards compatible!
* Misc: Removed some older Milkdrop presets and added some newer ones
* Misc: Separated vlb.w5s and nsvdec_vp3.dll decoders from in_mp3 and in_nsv
* Misc: Separated timer from gen_ff into timer.w5s
* Updated: Gracenote CDDB/MusicID v2.6.0.6
* Updated: libpng 1.2.35
* Updated: Sonic Burning Engine v4.10.32.502
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.0.4
* Updated: [in_mp3] Fraunhofer Decoder v4.3
* Updated: [lame_enc] LAME 3.98.2
* Updated: [vis_avs] AVS v2.82

Download :

Panda Cloud Antivirus

Panda Cloud Antivirus is a security service that protects your PC without affecting performance: It always offers maximum performance and only comes into action when it is necessary.

This is the lightest and fastest antivirus service. It combats new threats without the need for updates, as it operates on the basis of our Collective Intelligence servers. You won't even notice it is installed.

Panda Cloud Antivirus provides you with the fastest protection against the newest viruses thanks to its cloud-scanning from PandaLabs’ servers.

Panda Cloud Antivirus will protect you while you browse, play or even work and you won’t even notice it running on your computer.

Here are some key features of "Panda Cloud Antivirus 2009":

The fastest in detecting new viruses:
· Our network of Collective Intelligence servers identifies and processes viruses automatically in a fraction of the time required by laboratory technicians.

Designed with you in mind:
· Now you can forget about tiresome antivirus products with incessant notifications and difficult questions. Panda Cloud Antivirus works for you without annoying you.

Updates are history:
· The real key to Panda Cloud Antivirus is in the Collective Intelligence servers. That's why you'll always have maximum detection capacity without relying on traditional updates.

Detects more than anyone else:
· The Panda servers have a database of millions of viruses allowing Panda Cloud Antivirus to detect the multitude of threats that appear every day.


· RAM: 64 MB.
· Hard disk free space: 100 MB.
· Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.

Size : 18 MB
download from the's freeware <>

CyberLink PowerCinema 5.0.3902

PowerCinema 5 provides cool ways to expand your functionality with a range of fully integrated plug-in modules. Features are accessible via the main menu.

MagicDirector — Automated Video Editing
CyberLink MagicDirector edits videos automatically. With its theme-based Movie Styles, such as Party, Wedding and Old Movie, MagicDirector edits with a combination of effects, screen frames, and clip length. Titles can be typed either via a real or on-screen virtual keyboard. Background music can be mixed with a video’s audio track.

:: Automatically edit your videos with magic movie styles
:: Keep your best clips, remove the worst, and let MagicDirector decide the rest
:: Add a music track and choose the audio mixing level
:: Input a name for your edited movie title
:: Enhance your video and audio with Magic Clean technology

:: The TV Entertainment Center for the Digital Home
:: Watch analog and digital TV programs with time-shift playback
:: Record your favorite TV and radio shows with smart scheduling
:: Search for TV programs that match your interests via EPG
:: Watch two channels simultaneously using PiP mode
:: Play DVDs, videos, photos, and music. Get online news and weather info

TV on the PC: schedule, record, and watch your favorite shows
:: Search for programs by name, category, and channel
:: Schedule your PC to record shows while you?re out
:: Catch up on the action of live TV shows even after they?ve started, with time-shift recording
:: Record programs to DVD or hard disk
:: Switch between channels, language settings, and subtitles

DVDs, Videos, Music, and Pictures: watch, listen, and enjoy
:: Play movie DVDs with Dolby Digital audio
:: Watch widescreen movies in their true display ratio
:: Sync music files with your portable media player
:: Remove photo red-eyes, auto fix contrast and brightness
:: Display photos as a slideshow with background music and transition effects

News and Weather, More Options
:: Access live weather and news information
:: Change your interface colors and themes
:: Expand functionality with packs for video editing, disc burning, and watching sports highlights
:: Enrich the movie experience with the Advanced Audio Pack of home-theater technologies
:: Get a remote control for the ultimate digital home experience



WinRAR v3.90 beta 2 | 1.45 MB

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager (Win32, Linux, Mac). RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well.

Features of WinRAR:
- Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
- WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
- WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
- WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
- WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
- WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
- WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
- WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.



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